In the realm of web development with Django, particularly when using Django REST Framework (DRF) for building APIs, there’s often a need to dynamically generate choices for serialiser fields. This necessity arises especially in scenarios where the choices depend on database queries or other computational tasks that shouldn’t be executed at module load time. In this blog, we’ll explore the motivation behind lazily loading choices for a ChoiceField in a serialiser, and we’ll walk through a solution that enhances performance and avoids unnecessary database hits during the startup phase or when running management commands.

Why Lazily Load Choices?

Consider a Django project where you have a model that represents some dynamic entity in your database, and you wish to expose this through an API. For simplicity, let’s say we have a Book model, and we want to filter books based on their genre. The list of genres is dynamic, perhaps changing based on the books in the database or some external service.

Directly querying the database to populate the choices for a genre filter at the time of module loading (when the server starts) can lead to several issues:

  1. Performance Impact: Every time the server restarts, it immediately hits the database, even if no requests are made to the endpoints that require these choices. This behaviour is inefficient and can slow down startup time.
  2. Database Availability: During the server’s startup phase, the database may not always be available or ready to handle queries, leading to potential errors.
  3. Flexibility: Hardcoding choices or loading them at startup doesn’t account for changes that might occur after the server has started, requiring a server restart to update the choices.

A Solution with Dynamic Field Creation

To address these challenges, we can dynamically create the ChoiceField in the serialiser’s __init__ method, allowing us to defer the evaluation of choices until the serialiser is instantiated. This approach ensures that database queries or other operations to determine the choices are only performed as needed.

Let’s illustrate this with a simplified example:

from rest_framework import serializers
from myapp.models import Book

def get_dynamic_book_genres():
    # Imagine this function queries the database or performs some computation
    # to return a list of genres as choices.
    return [('fiction', 'Fiction'), ('non-fiction', 'Non-Fiction')]

class BookSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    title = serializers.CharField(max_length=200)
    genre = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=[])
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Dynamically set the choices for the 'genre' field
        self.fields['genre'].choices = get_dynamic_book_genres()

Explanation of the Demo Code

  • Dynamic Genres: The get_dynamic_book_genres function is designed to fetch or compute the list of book genres dynamically. In a real-world scenario, this function could query the database or an external API to retrieve the genres.
  • Serialiser Customisation: By overriding the __init__ method of BookSerializer, we defer the setting of genre field choices until the serialiser is instantiated. This means the potentially expensive operation of fetching genres is only performed when absolutely necessary.
  • Efficiency and Flexibility: This method ensures that our application only queries the database for genres when a BookSerializer is being used to handle a request. It also means that the list of genres can be updated without restarting the server, as the query will fetch current data every time a serialiser is created.


Lazily loading choices for serialiser fields in Django REST Framework is not just about improving performance; it’s also about making our applications more robust and flexible. By dynamically creating fields and setting their choices at runtime, we avoid unnecessary database hits during application startup and ensure our application can adapt to changes without needing a restart. This approach is particularly useful in large-scale applications where efficiency, reliability, and uptime are paramount.