Django’s Finite State Machine (django_fsm) offers a robust framework for managing state transitions in Django models, ensuring clarity, consistency, and data integrity in your application’s workflow.

Why Use django_fsm?

django_fsm simplifies the implementation of a state machine within Django models. It enables developers to define clear state transitions for objects, enforce allowed transitions, and automatically handle state changes. This reduces the complexity of state management and enhances code readability and maintainability.

How to Use django_fsm?

To implement django_fsm, you need to define states and transitions within your Django model. States are specified as choices in a FSMField, and transitions are methods adorned with the @transition decorator, indicating their source and target states. This arrangement allows for encapsulating the logic of state changes within your models, streamlining state management.


from django.db import models
from django_fsm import FSMField, transition

class Task(models.Model):
    STATUS = (
        ('new', 'New'),
        ('in_progress', 'In Progress'),
        ('done', 'Done'),
    status = FSMField(default='new', choices=STATUS)

    @transition(field=status, source='new', target='in_progress')
    def start(self):

    @transition(field=status, source='in_progress', target='done')
    def complete(self):

In the above example, we demonstrate how to utilise django_fsm for managing the state transitions of a Task model within a Django application. This model represents a simple task with three possible states: new, in_progress, and done. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  • Defining States: We define the possible states of the Task model using a tuple of tuples called STATUS, where each inner tuple contains a database value and a human-readable name for the state.

  • FSMField: The status field is an instance of FSMField, initialised with a default state (new) and the STATUS choices. This field will track the current state of a task.

  • Transition Decorators: The @transition decorator is used to mark methods that change the state of an instance. Each decorator takes the field parameter to specify which FSMField it controls and source and target parameters to define the allowed state transitions.

    • The start method transitions a task from new to in_progress. This method can be called on any Task instance in the new state to change its state.

    • The complete method transitions a task from in_progress to done, marking the completion of the task. Similar to start, this method can be called on any Task instance that is currently in_progress.

The beauty of django_fsm lies in its ability to encapsulate the state transition logic within the model, enhancing code readability and maintainability. By using the @transition decorator, we clearly define which state transitions are allowed, preventing invalid state changes and ensuring the integrity of our application’s state management.

This approach simplifies the process of tracking and updating the status of tasks within our application, making our codebase more intuitive and robust.

Creating a Decorator for Saving Status After Transition

Enhance django_fsm utility by crafting a custom decorator that automatically saves the model’s status post a successful transition. Wrapping transition methods with this decorator and Django’s @transaction.atomic ensures that changes are committed to the database only if the entire transition process succeeds, thus preventing partial updates and maintaining data integrity.


from django.db import transaction
from functools import wraps

def save_on_success(*args, **kwargs):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs):
            with transaction.atomic():
                result = func(instance, *args, **kwargs)
            return result
        return wrapper
    return decorator

Why and How to Use ConcurrentTransitionMixin?

ConcurrentTransitionMixin is essential for averting race conditions during state transitions, particularly in high-concurrency environments. By employing optimistic locking, this mixin ensures that a transition occurs only if the record’s current state in the database matches the expected state at the time of the transition. Incorporating ConcurrentTransitionMixin into your models safeguards against concurrent operations that could lead to inconsistent states or data loss.


from ``django_fsm`` import ConcurrentTransitionMixin, FSMField, transition

class ConcurrentTask(ConcurrentTransitionMixin, models.Model):
    status = FSMField(default='new', protected=True)

    @transition(field=status, source='new', target='in_progress')
    def start(self):

Addressing Direct State Updates Beyond ConcurrentTransitionMixin

ConcurrentTransitionMixin specifically tackles the issue of concurrent updates in scenarios where the state is changed through model methods that are aware of the state machine (i.e., transitions managed by django_fsm). However, it does not inherently prevent direct state updates bypassing these methods, such as updates made directly on the queryset level. For these updates, the mixin’s protection against concurrent transitions wouldn’t be triggered, as the state change bypasses the logic that ConcurrentTransitionMixin employs to ensure data integrity. This is a crucial consideration for developers, underscoring the importance of ensuring that all state transitions, even those not managed by django_fsm directly, are approached with care to maintain data integrity.


django_fsm, augmented with custom decorators and the ConcurrentTransitionMixin, furnishes a potent toolkit for managing state transitions in Django applications. By adopting these strategies, developers can secure robust, consistent, and efficient state management, ensuring their applications’ workflows remain clear and dependable. The added awareness of limitations surrounding direct state updates emphasises the need for comprehensive strategies in managing state transitions to uphold data integrity across all aspects of the application.