In the realm of data analysis, especially when working with textual data such as customer feedback, blogs, or comments, understanding the volume of content can be as crucial as the content itself. A common task might involve analysing the length of feedback to gauge depth, detail, or even effort. This blog post delves into an efficient method to estimate the word count in textual feedback using SQL, a powerful tool for interacting with databases.

Problem Statement

Consider a database table named comments, which stores user feedback in a column named content. The task is to analyse this feedback based on the word count. The straightforward approach might involve complex functions or external processing, but SQL offers a simpler and more elegant solution. We aim to deduce the word count directly from the space characters within the text, acknowledging that spaces are a proxy for word boundaries.

The Core Idea

The central concept revolves around the assumption that the number of words in a text is approximately equal to the number of spaces plus one. This assumption holds true for texts where words are separated by single spaces. Thus, by counting the spaces in the feedback content, we can estimate the word count.

Implementation in SQL

To translate this idea into SQL, we utilise the LENGTH function to get the total length of the text and the REPLACE function to subtract the length of the text without spaces. Adding one to this result gives us an estimated word count. Below is the sample SQL query that embodies this logic:

    SUM(LENGTH(content) - LENGTH(REPLACE(content, ' ', '')) + 1) AS wordcount

This query performs the following operations:

  1. LENGTH(content) calculates the total length of the feedback text, including spaces.
  2. REPLACE(content, ' ', '') removes all spaces from the feedback, and LENGTH(REPLACE(content, ' ', '')) calculates the length of this space-less text.
  3. Subtracting the space-less text length from the total text length gives the number of spaces.
  4. Adding one to the number of spaces estimates the total word count, under the assumption that words are delimited by spaces.

A Practical Example

Consider a sample comments table:

This is a test feedback.
Another piece of feedback here.
SQL is fantastic!

Running our SQL query against this table would calculate the word count for each piece of feedback as follows:

  • “This is a test feedback.” -> 5 words
  • “Another piece of feedback here.” -> 5 words
  • “SQL is fantastic!” -> 3 words

Thus, the query would sum these counts, giving a total word count of 13 for the three pieces of feedback.


Analysing textual data by word count can provide insightful metrics about user engagement, feedback depth, and more. The method described offers a simple yet effective way to estimate word count using SQL, making it a valuable technique for data analysts and database administrators. While it approximates based on spaces, for many practical purposes, this estimation provides a quick and useful metric without the need for complex processing or external tools.

Remember, this approach assumes standard text formatting (i.e., words are separated by single spaces). Variations in formatting might require adjustments to the method. Nonetheless, this SQL trick is a testament to the language’s versatility and power in data manipulation and analysis.